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30' X 50'


CAN-ICE is a synthetic ice surface that looks, feels and performs just like real ice, indoors and out. Endorsed by Hockey Canada, CAN-ICE synthetic ice is perfect for any hockey or ringete player looking to be the best they can be, and have fun doing it. 

A primary goal of CAN-ICE is to provide greater and easier access to ice time for skill development.  We are passionate about skating and hockey and in giving more people the opportunity to experience the joy and thrill of both.  CAN-ICE gives young players and skaters a synthetic ice surface on which to play and practice 365 days a year. In these days of expensive and scarce ice-time, with CAN-ICE synthetic ice, kids can just lace up the skates and go… anytime they want.

Industry Leader

"Hockey Canada is endorsing CAN-ICE as our official supplier of synthetic ice. CAN-ICE can provide the young hockey player with a 12 month solution to develop their skating, puck control and shooting skills in the comfort of their own homes, without the maintenance of an outdoor rink."

- Paul Carson, VP of Development, Hockey Canada


Access to ice time is always a challenge. Weather and seasonality limit the availability of natural ice outdoors.

We share the passion to enhance the game and grow the sport. CAN-ICE provides the ultimate skating and puck handling experience. 

Please contact us today and let us know when you want to go on our "fresh sheet of ice!"

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